On this page you can find all findmynan services and the corresponding fees.
A - Research
Budget Packet - 1 day research - plus all documents that can be found on that day - plus file folder - £50
Full Tree Packet - Research back to the first UK census 1841 - plus all documents that can be found - file folder - £150
Full Tree Plus - Research back to the first UK census 1841 - plus all documents that can be found - plus in depth research of the ancestors residence, jobs and daily life - plus map of their locations - plus file folder - £200
Additional research in church books and other resources - hourly rate £8 (cut off amount can be arranged beforehand)
Foreign research in the EU and US is possible and we can arrange a research tailored to your needs.
!! In general I research only as long as records are available and don't charge for non-working time.
A swift and thorough research is to be understood.
In cases where whole branches are missing, I'm cutting the budget as well, so that you don't get overcharged for less material.
Trees always contain ancestors and their spouses/children but not the children's side branches. !!
B - Genealogical DNA Research
(This service is only available if there is either a researched family tree already existing so that I can refer to it,
or it has to be booked together with a tree research by me.)
Sorting of matches into different family lines (paternal and maternal) - grouping of matches - £30
Interpretation and explanation of ethnicity results - £5
C - Other services that I offer
Translation of old documents from German, French, Italian or Dutch to English - £10 per document
Deciphering of old vital records - £5 per record (single page, if there is a lot of pages we have to arrange a price)
Deciphering of old letters - £10 per letter
Manual digital retouching of old photos (from digital and analogue photos) - £15 per photo
Surname history (origin, meaning, age) - £2 per name